Monday, 29 September 2014

Holly Maxwell and the Dynamic Duo, Chapter 1.5 Cresida takes the stage

Hello and welcome to another chapter of Holly Maxwell and the dynamic duo. If you haven't read this before and are totally confused click here and if you have, I have a question for you. Why are you back? haha. (I didn't mean it, come back!) Anyway, without further adieu I present to you:
                                          note: this will be a smaller post than before.

Friday, 26 September 2014

The Secret Agent Challenge Chapter 1. Holly Maxwell and the Dynamic Duo

Hello and welcome to a new legacy! (Yes, again.)
Phew! i've been on hiatus for a long time now and now i'm finally able to settle back down into the whole
"Blogging" thing again. 
Without further adieu, allow me to explain what it is you are currently reading.
First of all, this is my own attempt at Simbiote's 'Secret Agent Challenge'. I have decided to share it with teh internetz because well it's the holidays and i'm bored. This will be heavily story-based rather than purely observational, and if you want to know what rules we're playing with, please check this out  ->