Saturday, 11 October 2014

Greenzelda's confessions: How to get free stuff

So, this is my first post under a topic i've decided to call 'Greenzelda's confessions'.
It's just something that i'd thought i'd do when I get bored. xD
Anyway, first thing we're talking about, is a little beauty of a website called 'Gifthulk'.
Now typically, the first thing that people do when they see headings like 'earn rewards', or 'how to get free stuff'', they balk. (Which let's face it, is a pretty damn good idea). This is legit. (God, I actually said 'legit'). xD

At the moment i'm sitting on about 4000 Hulk Coins. That's the currency of Gifthulk. I think that you can get quite a variety of prizes once you hit 5000 or so. Ooh and they have all sorts of minigames that you can play to earn these things. There's guess the card, (pretty self-explanatory),  the fountain of youth (you can redeem codes found in the guess the card game, and from the internet), and there are also sweepstakes too (you can trade hulk points in for entries)
I'm not sure how long i've had the account now, but It started out as just a bit of fun to see if I could earn anything thing from it. By now you've probably guessed that I'm one of those idiots who is always trying to find free stuff. I've trawled through a variety of obvious fakes, and it's damn annoying when these *cough* websites try to get you to provide your phone number or buy stuff for little or no incentive. (Even if there were an incentive I still wouldn't touch the majority of them with a 10-foot barge pole). Its soooooo refreshing to find something that works, and is not only fun to just hop on for a few minutes a day, but to actually be able to earn the rewards quite easily.
I'm sorry if this is starting to sound like a pushy testimony, (another thing about the internet I can't stand),
I just thought it would be something funny to start up this topic with. 
My recommendation is that if you're looking for some sort of rewards system, for doing a few surveys and playing a few games, with a nice little online community on facebook, this is probably a good option.
Your scheduled programming will return shortly. xDIf anyone actually wants to know the name url of the website, to sign up it is here: and yeah, try it if you dare! bwhahaha

referral email: (gives you 250 hulk-coins if you sign up) 


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